We use light to move energy, measure energy carriers, develop new materials and see the“unseeable” so that:
Batteries last longer
Data centers use less energy
Satellites work better
Infections are observed
New materials are discovered
This happens by applying our core competencies in thermal physics, vibrational spectroscopy, nanophotonics, and 2D-solids.
Current Research Areas
mechanics of nanoscale through silicon vias (nano-tsv)
In Collaboration with Alpha Lab, PI: Tiwei Wei
Problem: More densely packed computing architectures requires more connections. Wires need to go in 3-dimensions to connect one silicon chip to another. This requires extremely small holes called to be “drilled” into the silicon and filled with metal. We call these filled holes through silicon vias. At present, these vias are too big. Making them smaller is hard because they break and can push or pull on the Si-transistors so much that the devices don’t work as well in their presence. Ways to make the vias smaller have to be created.
Path: Leverage plasticity to enable more dense packing of nano-TSV’s. Check progress by imaging strain with Raman spectroscopy.
Spectroscopy of emergent ferroelectrics (3dfeM efrc)
Problem: “New” emergent ferroelectric materials (e.g., hafnium/zirconium oxide, aluminum/boron nitride) are intriguing for memory in-memory computing needed for future AI architectures. The underlying factors defining the ferroelectric properties of these materials—and thus their utility—are not well understood.
Path: Utilize infrared ellipsometry, near-field scattering spectroscopy, and photoluminescence imaging to assess how defects and phase transitions emerge in devices made of these materials to deduce ways of increasing performance and lifetime.
Problem: Spectroscopy measures light to get information. Current systems are too big, “general purpose” and not sensitive enough.
Path: Combine ultrasharp nanophotonic filters, compressed sensing and advanced spectroscopic fitting to make spectrometers “application specific,” ultrasensitive, and contained to a single microchip.
Polaritonic Energy Transport
Problem: Heating in electronics limits performance and reliability. Transporting heat is inefficient in microelectronics because the heat carriers (i.e., phonons) are too “big” relative to the devices through which they move. A new heat carrier is needed.
Path: Polaritons are this heat carrier. Being a hybrid of light (i.e., a photon) and a phonon or electron, they become more efficient at moving heat as their surroundings get smaller. We seek ways of designing polaritons to maximize their heat carrying ability.
Emerging Material Systems
Problem: New materials are needed for applications in computing, sensing, water-treatment, and imaging. Material development requires means to determine the links between process and properties.
Path: Advanced spectroscopic techniques like Raman, FTIR, and IR-ellipsometry provide such information. We use these techniques to help advance next-generation ferroelectrics, oxides, and 2D-materials.