Every team has a culture. Ours centers around 5 tenets that define the attitude and actions of our group.
People > .
People are greater than other things, Period. There is no project, deadline, or task that promotes a “thing” over a person.
Honest Effort
Our work is marked by a consistent willingness to give our best even when the task is difficult, mundane, or frustratingly unproductive. Simply put, we gotta lot of try.
Integrity in Word & Work
Science is built on scientists’ ability to believe one another. The words and data coming out of Specere must therefore be unimpeachable. Our “yes” means “yes.”
Quest of Questioning
It is always OK to ask why, how, or what. Question assumptions. Question deductions. Question regardless of stature.
Ceaseless Exploration
We seek new ideas, topics, and people to augment core skills. We “figure it out” even if it’s not in our wheelhouse.